Posted May 1 2012
Over the years, Jakarta, with its many loyal A7X fans, has become one of our favorite cities to visit. And so it is with the deepest regret that we announce tonight's (May 1) concert in Jakarta, Indonesia has been cancelled.
Upon arriving at the venue in the morning and consulting with local production staff it was determined that the stage at Carnaval Beach was not safe and would endanger the band and the thousands of fans who had purchased tickets. Although the building of a stage is the responsibility of the promoter, not the band, our production crew made every effort to work with local staff to find a way to overcome concerns and put on a safe event. Unfortunately the safety concerns were too great and made it impossible for us to perform.
You may read reports from others that the show was cancelled because the band was worried about its security. Do not believe it. There is only one reason the show was cancelled: the stage had numerous defects and was not safe and our fans, as well as the band and crew, could have been hurt.
Words cannot adequately express how disappointed we are at missing the opportunity to play in Jakarta.
We have been advised by the promoter that full refunds will be issue to ticketholders at the Twin Plaza Hotel Ballroom on May 5 between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M.